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Brief History

The Apostolic Church South Suburban Areas of Chicago is a local Church of The Apostolic Church which international headquarters are in South Wales and Great Britain. This local Church was established in South Suburban Areas of Chicago in January 1996 by members of The Apostolic Church and was granted article of incorporation as a non-for-profit religious organization by Membersthe State of Illinois in the same year.

The Church began worshipping at a day care center in Hazel Crest, Illinois and later moved to Markham Park Elementary School in Markham, Illinois.

After two years of worshipping at the Markham Park Elementary School, the Church purchased a commercial property in Markham and used the basement as a worship place.

Unfortunately, the City of Markham denied the Church zoning or special use permit and would not exempt the property from high taxation. Owing to the heavy tax burden, the building was later sold and the Church moved back to Markham Park Elementary School with the goal of purchasing its own land.

The Church maintains fidelity of its mission by proposing to engage in various ministries that would contribute to the welfare of its surrounding communities. Proposed ministries include but not limited to free annual health check drive provided by the ChurchMembers’s members who are health professionals; annual community outreach and community assessment needs, women and men’s ministries, youth and children ministries, and faith based community services and ministries to name a few.

Through the diligent efforts of our Pastor and cooperation of the Elders of the Church, The Apostolic Church is registered with United States Government Grant Registry and approved eligible to apply for faith based initiative grants to serve the communities.

The major obstacle to pursue the various initiatives is lack of facility commodious enough to provide various services.

The major obstacle to pursue the various initiatives is lack of facility commodious enough to provide various services.

One of the uniqueness of this local Church is the commitment of the members. All members of this Church have worked and are still working diligently by dedicating their times, talents and treasures to the service of the LORD. With this level of commitment we believe that the obstacle will be removed very soon.

We thank God for what He has done for us and believe that God who has begun a good work in us will perfect it through our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.

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Jesus told the woman at the well that those who worship the father must worship Him in truth and in the spirit. The word ‘must’ is a commandment and not a suggestion. John 4:24

Jesus said he came to do the will of Him that sent him. John 3:38.

Jesus commanded the disciples to go to all peoples everywhere and make disciples of them. Matthew 28:19

We believe that Jesus is Lord and he came and died for our sins and through him and him alone, we can make heaven. Acts 4:12

We believe in the move and workings of the holy spirit as it was demonstrated in the book of the Acts of the Apostles.

We believe in praying fervently for ourselves and others and those prayers are answered. James 5:16

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